Hi everyone, My name is Aaliyah and I am one of the co-founders of Dipped In Creativity Engagement! I’m here to take you on a journey, sharing more about Dipped In Creativity Engagement and re-introducing ourselves!

In 2021 we took part in an exciting opportunity, working with Renaissance Studios in Brixton through their “Pitch It” project. The Pitch It project offered free studio time and creative consultancy to young people aged 18-34. You can think of them like Dragons Den – all you had to do is bring your creative idea to the table, and they help with the rest!
This project was the start of something new, it allowed us to tell and share our story with our community and supporters in a completely different way than ever before.
We wanted to challenge ourselves and come out of our comfort zone and the results were amazing! We devised and directed our own mini-video, you can take a look at it below.
Through this experience, we were able to learn and develop a range of skills through working on the concept and creating the video content, which included:
Creating a mood board (shown below) and pitch deck to share our original idea with creatives and the video director.
Creating a script to use throughout the videos this included thinking about props and locations.

This video is a big part of our storytelling and is a huge part in the ‘DICE Rebrand’.
Brand Coaching
We have been working with Designed By Jujubeng (DBJ) - Brand Coach and Graphic Designer to develop our brand through ‘Brand Coaching’.
“Brand Coaching is where we build your brand with you! Although we thoroughly enjoy building brands, we
don’t want to do all the work for our clients – we see the importance of educating them, so they know how to
do it themselves. Great brands, develop over time and working with a brand coach will give you the
fundamental skills/advanced techniques needed to build and manage your brand effectively.” - DBJ
This support has allowed us to work continuously behind the scenes to rebrand, Dipped In Creativity into
Dipped In Creativity Engagement.
How we talk about DICE:
My biggest piece of advice to other young women who would also like to make a difference is to try lots of different things to identify your passions…and then just do it! If you don't know where to start, reach out to a youth or community focused service who can help you to find the best ways to start your journey to make a difference. The one thing I would have told my younger self is to trust and believe in yourself as much others do trust and believe in you!
Logo Update:
We have also been able to revamp our logo, keeping our lion. The DICE logo is inspired by both co-founders’
father, who was a musician, artist, and leader from Jamaica who passed away in 2019. The lion represents strength, courage and unity.

Website Launch and Social Media Update
We have been working with Daniella Brookes our volunteer Social Media and Marketing Manager.
Daniella reached out to us in August 2022, to support us with our social media at our Summer Community Fun
Day Event, as she was looking to work with an organisation that focuses on community-orientated projects.
The expertise and support that Daniella has brought to the team, have allowed us to develop our presence,
and engagement connecting directly with our audiences and creating a positive impact through youth and
community engagement across our social media platforms.
Please follow us on them:
Twitter: @DICE_CIC
Instagram: @dippedincreativityengagement
LinkedIn: Dipped In Creativity Engagement (DICE)